• What do you hope for in your life?

    What do you hope for in your life?There are many things I’ve “wished ” for over the years.

    I’ve wished for straight hair and for Kirk Cameron to be my boyfriend.

    I’ve wished I was taller, shorter, younger, older, smarter, and cuter.

    I’ve even wished for a pony!

    There’s an old song written by Dusty Springfield that goes, “wishin’ and hopin’ and thinkin’ and prayin’. (Try to get THAT out of your head now!)

     The difference between a wish and hope.

    I have a vivid memory of my oldest brother researching our ancestry for a school project.

    He told us our family is part Scottish.

    Well, I assumed that because of this, I would have the natural ability to become a world-famous “Scottish” dancer.

    For weeks I went out to our driveway and hopped around (thinking I was making up some EPIC Scottish dancing moves) WISHING someone would “discover” my Scottish dancing talents.

    Dance like no one's watching! Click To Tweet

    Unfortunately Fortunately, my Scottish dancing wish never came true. (Thank goodness there wasn’t  YouTube “back in my day”.)

    After that, I decided to focus my “talents” on becoming the next Mary Lou Retton.

    I “practiced” leaping across my bed for HOURS at a time.

    I had the “finish” pose NAILED!

    The rest of it?

    Not so much.

    Wish is a term that refers to a desire or point to something one longs to have.

    It is an impossibility or to desire something with little chance of it coming true.

    I could wish all day, but I was never going to get discovered for my Scottish dancing talent.

    No matter how many vaults across my canopy bed I made, the Olympic Gymnastics Team was not going to see my amazing finish pose and ask me to join them.

    In spite of not getting things I have wished for, what I DO have is HOPE.

    Pete Miller wrote “To hope is to anticipate a future event with a confident expectation of its fulfillment.”

    To put it another way, hope means to have confidence in the future.

    I hope The Kid grows up to serve God.

    I hope to live a long happy life with The Husband.

    I hope to grow in my pursuit of purpose.

    I hope to move into our new home soon.

    I hope to take a nap.

    Romans 15:13

    Now may the God of HOPE fill you with all joy and peace as you believe in Him so that you may overflow with HOPE by the power of the Holy Spirit.What do you hope for in your life? Part 2 of the "Take heart" series.

    “As You” is not a passive phrase.

    You take steps to believe in Him.

    The more steps you take, the more confidence you have.

    Which is scarier? Doing something for the first time or doing it the second? Or third?

    What would you do if you were overflowing with confidence?

    Last week I talked about God’s unfailing love.

    Remember Isaiah 54:10 “Mountains may move and hills shake but God’s love will NOT be moved from you.”

    No matter what, God’s love will NOT be moved from you.

    God will fill you with joy and peace AS YOU (take action towards) believe so that you may overflow with confident expectation by the power of the Holy Spirit.

    As Valentine’s Day approaches, you can have HOPE (confidence) knowing that you are loved with HIS unfailing Love.

    Psalm 62:5

    Rest in God alone, my soul, for my hope comes from Him.

    What is something YOU wished for as a child?



  • The Best Gift on Valentine’s Day

    The best Gift for Valentine's DayI have a love/hate relationship with February.

    On one hand, February is the month of my birthday. (Translation: CAKE)

    Gosh. I love cake!!!

    On the other hand, February means Valentine’s Day.

    You would think between my birthday and the name of this site having the word “Heart” in it, I would be ALL OVER Valentine’s Day.


    When The Kid (my pet name for him) was in public school, I would dread Valentine’s Day obligations! Thank goodness Pinterest wasn’t around.

    My hat is off to all you moms navigating THAT pressure.

    One reason I’m not a fan of Valentine’s Day.

    Forced participation.

    My fierce independence streak shows up and I want to “Rage against the Machine.”

    (Not really, but a girl can dream.)

    The Kid would bring home a letter from the teacher stating, ” You must bring in a Valentine for ALL the members of the class.”

    What about the child who pokes everybody in the lunch line? My kid has to give him/her a  “Stay cool, Valentine!” card?


    How about I just keep him home and he and I will eat cake? (Have I mentioned I love cake?)

    I’m not a fan of Valentine’s Day but I love “LOVE”.

    I love THE KIDmy husband, (still thinking about a blog nickname for him)  close friends and family, and the end of Sense and Sensibility when the youngest sister climbs up the tree to get a glimpse of Hugh Grant and Emma Thompson.

    I also love the movie Notting Hill.

    My favorite part is when Julia Roberts walks into the book shop and says to Hugh Grant, “I’m just a girl, standing in front of a boy, asking him to her.”

    (Maybe I love Hugh Grant?)

    God's love

    Movie Love is beautiful, isn’t it.

    Happy endings, romantic gestures, epic speeches, and even a boombox over the head blaring music until you come to the window. (Name that movie.)

    But in spite of the beautiful imagery movies depict, it isn’t REAL!

    What is Real?

    God’s Love.

    His love is an Unfailing Love.

    There is a worship song I love :

    Lord, you are more precious than silver.

    Lord, you are more costly than Gold.

    Lord, you are more beautiful than Diamonds,

    and NOTHING I desire compares to YOU.

    written by Lynn DeShazo.

    Wherever you are in life, there’s a deeper, stronger, more powerful love than any movie, cards with bunnies hugging, box of chocolate, happy ending could ever bring.

    Take Heart.

    God’s Love for YOU is unfailing.

    The best gift for Valentine's Day is God's unfailing love for us. Click To Tweet

    Isaiah 54:10 (HCSB – emphasis added)

    “Though the mountains move and the hills shake, MY LOVE will not be removed from you and MY covenant of peace WILL NOT BE SHAKEN,” says your compassionate Lord.

    So, instead of getting the hives when I see ROWS of Valentines, sprinkles, and cupcake wrappers, (mini cakes…YUM!)

    I will remind myself…

    God’s Love is Unfailing.

    I can celebrate that!

    What about you?

    Do you love Valentine’s Day?





    Make sure to come back next Tuesday for Part 2 in the “Take Heart” series.

    The best Valentine's Day gift

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