white hart basket with spools
Blog/Sewing Tutorials
DIY Towel Cover Up
Keep your hands free and your towel in place at the beach, pool, or getting ready in the morning with this 20 minute DIY Towel Cover Up. What you’ll need: Sewing Machine 1 inch elastic Sew on elastic Pins Towel: Make sure it wraps fully around you with generous overlap…
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DIY Painted Barn Quilt
Let’s Get Crafty! This DIY painted barn quilt is a quick project unless you hurt your back and end up snacking on ibuprofen and stuffing ice packs down the back of your underwear. (Ask me how I know!) Here’s what you’ll need. Supplies Graph paper Ruler- I talk about my…
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Are you pointed in the right direction?
Have you played the “Why” game with a child? Why do I have to go to bed? Why do I have to eat dinner before I can have dessert? Why do I have to wear pants? “Because Mommy said so” isn’t always the best answer. (Especially to the dessert question.)…
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Use your Energy to Focus on Growth
Are you feeling bulb-like? Spring is in the air, the ground begins to thaw, and change begins to take place. This week of our goal challenge, that’s what we’ll be doing. Focus on growth. If you’re rooted in and growing in good soil, progress will start to peek through. Remember…
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6 Replies
Is the soil you’re planted in nourishing progress?
Food is fuel. Cupcakes, Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups, and Hot Tamales candy are a few of my favorite foods. Unfortunately, I can’t live off of them. (Believe me. I’ve tried.) Snug waistbands and sugar headaches isn’t the title of my autobiography, they’re the consequences of poor food choices. Our bodies need food to grow…
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Is Pinterest the Enemy of Progress?
Remember when you’d choose a birthday cake by flipping through a book at the grocery store? Now, parents everywhere scour Pinterest to find ways to humiliate themselves at their child’s party. “Mommy? What happened to my Dora birthday cake?” “Nothing. Why?” “She looks ANGRY.” “Does she look as angry as…
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Choose Progress over Perfection
It’s that time. Time to put a cupcake where your mouth is. (I told you this was gonna be fun.) Where the rubber meets the road. Put the pedal to the metal… or as The Kid calls it, “Drive like my mother.” Are you ready to choose Progress over Perfection? Last…
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Goal Setting Challenge
Let’s start at the very beginning. A very good place to start. Don’t worry. I’m not going to rip down the curtains and sew outfits for my family or move to Austria to become a former nun. I do love brown paper packages tied up with string, though. What I’d like…
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Hospitality: 3 Mistakes I’ve Made
The phone rings and I hear her say, “I just wanted to give you a heads up. I’m gonna pop on by real quick.” Panic Mode-Ignite! Dirty dishes get hidden, clean laundry gets tossed BACK in the basket, and out of the corner of my eye I see the stain on…
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Will You Show Kindness to a Stranger?
Show up or don’t show up. That was the question. It started simple enough. Step out of my Comfort Zone. Do a Facebook Live. Talk about showing up and choosing connection even when it’s hard. Obedience over Comfort. Because I always listen (try not to laugh) to the small voice that…
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